
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Children" of Sex & the City

EW had an interesting article about finding the "next Sex and the City." I've tried watching both Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle online. And maybe it's because I was doing things while it was playing in the background, but I'm not fond of either. Cashmere Mafia bored me. I was somewhat enjoying Lipstick Jungle until they had a scene where the three of them were trying perfume that was just way too direct a knockoff of Sex and the City that I had to turn it off.

It's funny because it took me a while to warm up to Sex and the City. It took getting the dvd on netflix and watching many episodes in one breath. Especially because I wasn't really into clothes or had really close girlfriends or that into brunch. My how things have changed...

I can't wait to see the movie, but sometimes slightly loose ends are more satisfying than something that's too neat and pat.

The EW article also posed an interesting question. They said '[Sex] gave voice to a group of people — single women in their 30s. The question is, Who is the next group who hasn't had a voice yet?"


At 6:11 AM, Blogger Marcia said...

I am now Tivo-ing these so that I can complete my own investigation. It does seem like Lipstick Jungle is the same exact concept as Sex in the City.

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Nancy Drew said...

I haven't seen either of the new shows, but just from previews they seem like obvious rip-offs.

Who hasn't had a voice yet? It's hard to imagine who that might be. I feel like there's been a show about everyone by now. Maybe a group of fabulous late-20-somethings trying to make a difference in the world?! :)


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