
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Skating with Celebrities (take 2)

So the second episode was on last night. While i watched all the performances, I have no clue who was eliminated :p I think it's probably because my favorite pair was the highest scoring pair so I wasn't really nervous about the elimination.

one interesting thing was that they had some of the harshest comments for the best pair (even though they scored highly). it was because the judges compared them to their previous performances. I appreciate that they are not just comparing the teams to each other but also to themselves, because really, the odds aren't very even.

by the way, the harshest critic is also a brit. i wonder if that's another requirement for these shows- to have a tough as nails british judge. and then the woman (dorothy hamill) is the super bubbly one and the one that tries to be nice. anyone else notice the judges are always 2 men & 1 women? hmmmm...

i went to the website today to pull up the link so you can
see for yourself
the crazy thing is that there is a faux fantasy league/bracket set up where you can predict and track your favorite pairs and their scores. it's the chance to "combine your love of fantasy sports with your love of figure skating"

i've always wondered how i could do that...


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Marcia said...

I'm going to set up a bracker right now. Who wants to join the pool? I'm taking you DOWN!!! I OWN fantasy sports skating!

At 9:33 AM, Blogger OrganizeU said...

Watch "Dancing with the Stars." Way better.


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