
Sunday, April 18, 2010


After a long hiatus, GLEE came back to the airwaves (are they still airwaves now that they're digital?) last week, and in celebration I had a few friends over to watch. On the menu: Gleetinis!

Basically, it's a home made slushie with optional alcohol. Delicious!

The recipe:

1 packet Kool-Aid
3/4 cup sugar (I know, I know...just don't think about it)
2 cups water
4 cups ice

Mix Kool-Aid, sugar and water until powder and sugar are dissolved. You can keep this mixture in the fridge until you're ready to serve. When it's drinkin' time, put the Kool-Aid in a blender with the ice and blend until ice is crushed to slushie consistency. Add Vodka to taste/tolerance and serve! (Or, add vodka a glass at a time if you have a mixed group of drinkers/nondrinkers.)

Garnish with a Red Vine, or if you think of a better garnish let me know. :)


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