Other random Amtrak thoughts from the Emeryville-Denver leg
We went through a town called Raceville. They had a restaurant called Cattlemens, written in script letter. And all I could think of is if this was the equivalent of a Gentlemen’s club for Cattlemen. (It’s actually a nice steak house http://www.beststeakinthewest.com/ and yes I’m very much a city girl)
From a distance I saw someone train a horse in a round fence a la George of the Jungle. He stood in the middle and was making the horse run around him
Foundations of houses fascinate me because they remind me of the floor plans we drew in Drafting class in high school when you look down on them.
It was really cool to ride this section of the railroad because a huge part of Chinese American history out west is tied to building the transcontinental railroad. I’ve read so much about it since high school and now I’m actually riding it. Also, Leland Stanford made a lot of money by being one of the 4 barons of the Central Pacific Railroad, so that’s also another historical tie.
It was nice that there were plugs next to the seats. I wasn’t counting on it but it’s nice to have since it’s such a long trip.
I finally went to sit in the lounge car after the weird guy got off at Grand Junction. Most people were sitting with other people. There were some old ladies with their knitting and bags of books. Behind was a dad and his daughter and he was telling her about the mountains. At one point this woman would exclaim over some sight and the rest of us would look up and try to snap pictures. It felt like everyone had a digital camera.
During one segment of the trip, we were parallel to the highway we would typically take to get to Aspen so it’s fun to see the roads from the other side.
Apparently the train will leave without you if you don't come back in time from the longer stops. As we were pulling into Denver the conductors told people to be back on the train by quarter after and pay attention to the announcements otherwise they'll be left behind like "a couple of guys in Grand Junction." Since this train ran once a day, they'll somehow have to fend for themselves/try to catch that train to continue on their trip. How much would that suck?