
Monday, February 06, 2006

It's a miracle!

Shopping for pants - and jeans in particular - is a painful experience for most women, I think. For me, it takes a great deal of emotional fortitude and a high self-esteem day, or it can become just totally demoralizing. To be clear, I know and believe that I am not overweight. But I'm a little curvy and most designers just don't make pants that are cut to fit me. For a long time, the only jeans I could find that fit were, oddly enough, JCrew boy jeans. But those obviously aren't cut for women so don't really look particularly sexy. But they're perfectly serviceable comfy jeans.

It's been a long time since I bought new jeans, and mine were getting pretty worn out, so I decided it was time to bite the bullet and just go. So I went. Yesterday.

And a miracle occurred.

I went to a department store, figuring that was a good place to start - variety of brands and styles, and hopefully more reasonable prices than at a JCrew or Banana Republic type of place. I tried on four pairs of jeans - just four! - and two of them were pretty good! It was hard to believe at first, but after a few tryings-on and many critical stares in the mirror, I decided I wasn't hallucinating. I actually had a pair of women's boot cut jeans that looks pretty darn good!

So then I looked at the price tag - $25! A great deal for a good looking pair of jeans. I get to the register, the lady rings me up, and it turns out they're on extra-sale. Only $11!!

A shopping miracle!!

This morning I put the jeans on again, thinking surely in the light of a new day I would see that I'd been all wrong about them. But no! I'll just say it: I looked hot!

I love my new jeans. I love that they only cost $11. I may have to go back and get another pair just in case something happens to this one.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Ramona Quimby said...

You should buy every pair of jeans in your size that they have in stock.

Seriously. This is a major achievement.

I'm very happy for you.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger suzaaku said...

i love jeans that fit. esp bc i'm petite (aka short) and my legs don't resemble toothpicks. i refuse to get pants hemmed bc i feel like if i just hold out long enough i'll find something that fits (and that it would probably be years before i remember to actually get them hemmed).

amazingly enough, once in a blue moon i do find the "perfect jeans" or the "perfect pants". and one time during meetings i was sitting with cindy and nancie and other people around my height and we had a discussion abt which brands are better for our height and sizes.

I don't think i've ever found perfect jeans that were $11, though. You really should buy more of those before they're out :)

At 2:50 PM, Blogger thew said...

I'll second the you looking hot part.


At 8:30 AM, Blogger Nancy Drew said...

I actually did go back to the store last night to see if they had any more in my size, but alas, I was out of luck. But that's OK. This has given me hope that there are more jeans out there that will fit me!


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