
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Here, Aibo! Good boy, Aibo!

Do you love dogs but don't have a dog-friendly lifestyle? Are you allergic? Maybe your apartment management won't allow pets? I've found your solution:


I heard about Aibo last night on NPR. Apparently Sony has decided to stop producing these little robot dogs. They seem pretty high-tech. They learn to recognize their owners, can express different emotions, and even play with toys!

I have to admit, I've been thinking lately that I could really use a pet. I'm allergic to cats (and am not really a cat person anyway), but I grew up with dogs and I love them. I have a lot of alone time and a dog might be good company. But let's face it, I don't have a lifestyle condusive to pet-ownership. I like to go away for the weekend and not have to worry about finding a pet sitter. So maybe a little robot pet running around my apartment would be fun. It would certainly be entertaining and a good conversation starter.

But in the NPR story they interviewed a guy who has the largest private collection of Aibos in the world - something like 56 of them. At one point he was talking about Orange Dog, who was in the room with him. Apparently Orange Dog was feeling kind of needy that day. Usually he's the very social "party" dog, but last week they took him to a party and Orange Dog didn't get the attention he needed so his feelings were hurt and he has needed a little extra love lately. And I just found myself thinking, "That's a robot you're talking about!! It doesn't love you! It's a computer chip in a plastic body!!!"

Besides, the stupid things cost about $2000. This guy had literally spent almost $100,000 on Aibos and Aibo paraphernalia.

So I think maybe I'll get a fish instead.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger suzaaku said...

or jellyfish. they're very pretty to look at and for a while there was a big trend in Japan to have jellyfish aquariums because they're so pretty and it's so fascinating to watch their movements. and if you've ever been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Jellyfish Exhibit i think you'd agree

i don't know if you saw them on the news around christmas, they had robots playing soccer, too.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Nancy Drew said...

Oooh, jellyfish sound cool. Maybe I'll look into that. Do you suppose they're high maintenance? I wonder what they eat!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger thew said...

Jellyfish are amazing. I once swam around at night in a harbor full of bio-luminescent jellies somewhere around cape cod. Even though they're relatively simple organisms, somehow seeing them reminds me of all the wonderful and beautiful biodiversity we have on this planet.

You should get some.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Nancy Drew said...

Well shoot. According to this web site:, jelly fish are hard to keep as pets. Perhaps I'll have to go for another Beta.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger JTW said...

i'm turning Japanese i think i'm turning Japanese i think i'm turning Japanese i really think so


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