
Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Case of the Missing Potato Chips

One of my least favorite things about living in a new town is not knowing my way around the grocery store. It seems like such a small detail in the big picture of life, but it is so disorienting! The other day I walked up and down the length of the grocery store looking for potato chips. You wouldn't think they would be that hard to find! But they were. I feel like every time I go to the grocery store there's one item that I just can't find.

Why can't they just put all the frozen food together? Why do they have to put the soy milk all the way on the opposite side of the grocery store from the rest of the dairy items. Is it so hard to believe that there are soy milk drinkers out there?! Or do they just assume that people who drink soy milk are all hippies and would obviously want to buy tofu and organic veggie burgers too? Sheesh.

On the other hand, here in VA one can purchase real wine and beer at the grocery store, which is convenient. And believe me, all that searching through the grocery store leaves me both physically thirsty and emotionally in need of a strong beverage. Perhaps they planned it that way.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Marcia said...

Buying booze at the grocery store is a very good thing. How about Sundays?

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Nancy Drew said...

I haven't actually tried buying alcohol on Sundays, but I suspect that it can't be done. You can't really do anything on Sundays here. Everything is closed. Ah, the joys of the bible belt.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger JTW said...

You know, here in Durham, the Chinese restaurant is closed on Mondays (it's across from the 100% of post-tax profit goes to televangelism Chick-Fil-A). I don't know if they're in cahoots with the Chick-Fil-A in order to drive business, or whether they do it to spite them...nyah, nyah, nyah, if you can close on YOUR day, we can close whenever we want!

I'd like to think the latter, but few down here have enough gumption to truly buck the system like that. Hence the Christian fish on the back of my car...I never took it off when I acquired the car from Paul's mother, because it gets me a little something "extra" around here. You know, a little quid pro quo--I'll submit part of my soul, ethics, and moral code to the prevailing local mythology, and you won't cut me off or tailgate. Deal?


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